Baby loss stories
Thank you to the parents who are helping to #breakthesilence by sharing their stories of babies lost during pregnancy or afterwards.
Miscarriage stories
Hearing the words “there's no heartbeat" made me feel like my own heart would stop
Miscarriage stories
It’s important to remember you're allowed to be happy again
Ectopic pregnancy stories
I was eager to hold her, but I didn’t expect it to happen that soon
Ectopic pregnancy stories
Even now, as I cuddle my rainbow baby, I can’t quite believe we’ve made it through
Termination for medical reasons stories
Reading other people’s stories helped me believe we would eventually have a baby
Miscarriage stories
Missed miscarriages are so cruel - I had no idea anything was wrong
Stillbirth stories
I felt alone in my grief because it was me who had carried him for all that time
Neonatal death stories
A rainbow baby to me is a miracle
Stillbirth stories
Stillbirth is a pain no parent should experience, but sadly so many do
Miscarriage stories
Hearing the words “there's no heartbeat" made me feel like my own heart would stop
Termination for medical reasons stories
Reading other people’s stories helped me believe we would eventually have a baby
Stillbirth stories
I felt alone in my grief because it was me who had carried him for all that time
Miscarriage stories
It’s important to remember you're allowed to be happy again
Ectopic pregnancy stories
Even now, as I cuddle my rainbow baby, I can’t quite believe we’ve made it through
Neonatal death stories
A rainbow baby to me is a miracle
Ectopic pregnancy stories
I was eager to hold her, but I didn’t expect it to happen that soon
Miscarriage stories
Missed miscarriages are so cruel - I had no idea anything was wrong
Stillbirth stories