I never realised I’d need support from Tommy’s myself

In 2019, Elle’s daughter Giorgia was sadly stillborn at 40 weeks and 5 days. She held a Festive Tea for Tommy’s to help support other families through loss during the festive period.

I’ve supported Tommy’s since 2016 when my eldest son and I took part in the Superhero Sensathon, but I never realised I would need support from Tommy’s myself.

My daughter, Giorgia

In 2019, I was pregnant with my beautiful daughter Giorgia and couldn't wait to meet her. I’d had a normal and healthy pregnancy, and wasn't at all worried about the possibility of any complications. But at 40 weeks and 5 days, I found out Giorgia's heartbeat had stopped.  

“I was in absolute shock. I was devastated. I couldn’t believe it.”

We had gotten so far, I didn’t understand how it could happen. Our daughter was born on 10 August 2019. When she was born it was totally different, she was completely silent and there was no crying. That’s when reality hit.  

But I got to hold her. We were able to hold her as much as we wanted. We dressed her, we had family who were able to meet her.

No reason why

We will never know or understand why Giorgia died. She was a perfectly healthy and normal baby, except that her heart stopped beating. It’s so hard.

The support from Tommy’s after Giorgia’s death really helped us a family, and I have been even more driven to raise money since then.

Festive Tea for Tommy’s

Festive Tea for Tommy’s seemed like a great opportunity to raise some more money at a time that is often so very difficult for bereaved families.  

“I know from my own experience how Christmas time takes all your feelings of loss and grief and magnifies them a hundred fold.”

I asked my work if they would be happy for me to host a festive tea in the office and they said yes.  So we set a date and all started baking some yummy treats.  

festive treats at work

In the run up to the festive tea I shared mine and Giorgia’s story, other stories of loss and also information about how Tommy’s support families during and after loss, and how Tommy’s research and clinics can help families to bring home a living baby.  

I think sharing these stories and this information really helped with the fundraising, and I was really proud that we managed to raise £225 on the day!