Isaak is a true rainbow baby through and through and he makes us smile and laugh every day.

Michelle is the babyballet franchisee for Bolton. Tragically Michelle’s first baby Jakob was stillborn, here’s their story…

After our wedding in 2011 I fell pregnant very quickly and made plans to move from Kent back to Yorkshire, where my family live, so I could be closer to them whilst bringing up my baby.

Everything went well, there were no complications and I left my job on maternity leave and moved half way across the country to await the arrival of Jakob.

41 weeks into my pregnancy I had a sweep and everything seemed fine.  24 hours later, we were given the news that my baby no longer had a heartbeat and he had passed away.

To this day, we do not know what happened and what had caused our baby to die.

The months and years following this tragedy were extremely difficult. I had moved away from my job, my husband worked away during the week and I mourned the fact that I had never seen my son take a breath or cry.

A few weeks following Jakob's death, I decided that I would try to turn my life around and I took on a babyballet franchise and started trying for another baby.  

The babyballet family were incredibly understanding and I made some amazing friends and colleagues during this time, who helped me get through the worst.

One day, myself and Alan decided to visit Jakob at the crematorium and take him a balloon with some little goodbye letters attached. Strangely, the balloon went up into the air and completely disappeared, something which we took to be a sign of what was to come.

The very next day, after Alan had left for a three week trip abroad, I found out I was pregnant again. Everyone was delighted, especially, when Isaak was born on 18th May 2014, happy and healthy.

Even though I think about Jakob every day and wonder what he would have been like, I am truly grateful for little Isaak who fills all our lives with happiness and smiles.

Isaak is now 8 and a half and whilst he has moved on from babyballet to other activities such as karate, he still takes an interest in our fundraising activities and loves to find out what kind of difference it all makes to other children like him and their families.

Isaak is a true rainbow baby through and through and he makes us smile and laugh every day.

Miss Michelle x