Let’s talk about the ‘12-week rule’ and pregnancy after loss

Last week, TV personality and mum, Kate Ferdinand shared her anxieties about being pregnant after loss on her podcast, Blended. It opened up a conversation about the stigma that surrounds the ’12-week rule’.

Kate had a miscarriage in 2022 following her 12-week scan which sadly showed her baby had no heartbeat. Since finding out she was pregnant again, she’s encouraging people to share their pregnancy news early on with close family and friends. 

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If you would tell your best friends that you've gone through loss then tell them you're pregnant, because then they can support you through the pregnancy too.

It's literally about saying, 'I would want you to be part of my journey, whatever it looks like, whether that is seeing my pregnancy bump grow, or whether that's holding my hand while I'm crying because I've gone through a loss.'

— Kate Ferdinand

During the podcast episode she talks about the ‘12-week rule’ and stigma that surrounds it. This is the unwritten rule that parents shouldn't share the news of their pregnancy before 12 weeks, in case of complications or loss.  

We know how difficult early pregnancy can be, especially if you’ve experienced loss. And, while we’re grateful to Kate for helping to break the taboos about when to tell friends and family, we also understand everyone’s feelings towards this will be different.  

Tommy’s Midwifery Manager, Kate Marsh says: 

“It can help to tell someone close to you that you’re pregnant early on, so you have a support network in place and don’t have to explain everything - but it’s a personal choice. Everyone is in a different situation, and it should be when the pregnant person feels ready to tell others.” 

Here at Tommy's, we're continuing to help break the silence around baby loss and are always keen to hear your thoughts and feelings about the complexities of the pregnancy journey. 

We recently reached out to our community to get their thoughts on the ‘12-week rule’. Over 80% said they would tell loved ones before 12 weeks.

73% also said sharing their pregnancy before 12 weeks helped as it gave them greater support, especially with the anxieties that often come with being pregnant after loss. 

However, those who chose not to, said they felt added pressure and wouldn’t want to go back and tell people about complications or loss. 

How do you feel about the ’12-week rule’? You can share your thoughts here.