Resources for Black and Black Mixed-Heritage pregnant women and birthing people

These are resources, organisations and people who provide support specifically for Black and Black Mixed-Heritage women and birthing people through pregnancy and afterwards.

There are lots of organisations that can give support specifically to Black and Black mixed-heritage women and birthing people. 

Please note that the links on these pages lead to external websites that other women have told us they find helpful. We have no control over the content and we are unable to review it.

Best Beginnings

Best Beginnings is a UK-based charity that provides evidence-based information and support to parents and professionals who want to promote children's development. It develops simple, educational and interactive tools, such as the Baby Buddy app to support parents-to-be and new parents so every child in the UK has the best start in life. 


Baby Buddy By Best Beginnings

Instagram: bestbeginningscharity


Black Mamas Birth Village 

Black Mamas Birth Village is a community for Black pregnant women and new mamas. Grow your knowledge and feel fully supported though your journey from pregnancy to motherhood. 


Online course: Black Birth and Parenting Success



The City Midwife

The City Midwife is an Instagram account run privately by one of our own Tommy's Midwives Alanna. Alanna gives pregnancy and postnatal tips to empower women through pregnancy and beyond.

Instagram: the_city_midwife



Five X More is dedicated to supporting mothers with its campaigning work and recommendations. It focuses on empowering Black women to make informed choices and advocate for themselves throughout their pregnancies and after childbirth. 


6 Steps For Mothers And Birthing People

5 Steps For Partners

Instagram: FiveXMore

Twitter: FiveXMore

Holding Her Space

Holding Her Space is a community-based prenatal, birth and postnatal doula service based in Greater Manchester that supports new mums and mums-to-be on the delicate journey into motherhood.

They provide non-clinical, holistic and personalised support for women and families throughout the stages of pregnancy and parenthood.




Email: [email protected]

Mama and Me - Doula Services 

Mama and me are passionate about helping families find their space and come into their own as they embrace their birthing and parenting journey.


Speaking out for Black Babywearing 

Course: The Black Babywearing School 

Breastfeeding As A Black Woman In Modern Day UK - Vanisha Virgo 

YouTube: All4Birth: Reflecting on 'UK Black Breastfeeding Week 2021'

Group Infant Feeding Workshop


Mama's Embrace

Mama's Embrace are a non-governmental organisation that provides pre-conceptual and perinatal support up to one year post birth.

They provide a psychologically safe environment both in person and online to support, provide information, signpost to other professionals and provide advocacy services. 

This service is available in person to the families of Peterborough and online nationally.





Maternity Engagement Action CIC 

Maternity Engagement Action CIC  provide safe spaces and peer support for black women throughout pregnancy, birth, and early motherhood. Their aim is to empower Black women and raise awareness of how to request and expect clinically & culturally safe, compassionate, and equitable maternity care. 


Private Facebook Group: Melanin Mumz of Brum

Instagram: Maternity Engagement Action

Twitter: Maternity Engagement Action

Facebook: Maternity Engagement Action


Mayah’s Legacy 

Mayah's Legacy was founded in 2020 to empower and educate those affected by pregnancy loss with the tools they need to have their voices heard. Through a unique combination of empowerment, intuition and communication resources, they contribute to rebuilding lives in a truly authentic way. 


Online/downloadable books 

Webinar series 

Real talk – self-advocacy conversation 

Instagram: Mayah’s Legacy 

Twitter: Mayah’s Legacy 

Facebook: Mayah’s Legacy


The Motherhood Group

The Motherhood Group was founded by Sandra Igwe in 2016, after the traumatic birth of her first daughter, Zoe Igwe. It is a social enterprise that supports the Black maternal experience by delivering community-based events, training workshops, peer-to-peer support, national campaigns (Black Maternal Mental Health Week UK), and culturally sensitive programmes for Black mothers.


Support offered by The Motherhood Group


Melanin Mothers

Melanin Mothers is a black-owned London based, independent, maternity education and advocacy enterprise.


Virtual Consultations 

Face-to-face Consultations 

Bespoke Packages 

Instagram: Melanin Mothers 


Motivational Mums Club 

At the Motivational Mums Club, a team of Psychologists provide free mental health sessions to mothers and birthing people and mums-to-be. They also work closely with healthcare bodies to improve on mental health healthcare services for ethnic minorities who have suffered from near death experiences, birth trauma and more. 


Free Trauma/Mindfulness/Meditation session 

Spotify Podcast: Pregnant again within 3 months of birth: Chrissy Brown 

Doula Support 

YouTube: A woman’s journey 

Instagram: Motivational Mums Club  


Dr Orinayo Onabanjo - Perinatal Counselling Psychologist 

Dr Orinayo Onabanjo Individual psychological therapy, group therapy, psychological wellbeing in pregnancy workshops, birth debriefs, birth preparation sessions, pregnancy and postnatal wellness planning sessions, perinatal mental health training for organisations. 


What is prenatal depression? Symptoms, signs and support

How motherhood changes you and your identity

Coping with birth trauma

YouTube: When should I ask for help with how I’m feeling? 

YouTube: Pregnancy, Birth and Induction of Labour Web Series: Day 2 

Instagram: Top 5 tips for black mums to support their own mental health

Spotify Podcast: Mum guilt, trauma and systemic inequality

Spotify Podcast: Black Perinatal Mental Health

Spotify Podcast: Perinatal Mental Health - Let's talk


Women’s Health & Maternal Well-being Initiative C.I.C 

Women’s Health & Maternal Well-being Initiative C.I.C  are working with girls and women from diverse backgrounds with a targeted interest in African, African- Caribbean and mixed heritage backgrounds to pursue a world where racial health inequalities no longer exist and the well-being and prosperity of girls’ and women are at the heart of health equity. 


This organisation provides many pregnancy services, webinars and groups that are specifically for Black and Black Mixed-Heritage women.


If you have feedback or other suggestions of resources for this page please get in touch with us at [email protected].