Limiting your caffeine intake in pregnancy
It is best to limit caffeine as much as possible during pregnancy. High levels have been linked to pregnancy complications. Find out your daily caffeine intake with our caffeine calculator.
On this page
How much caffeine am I having?
What does 200mg of caffeine look like?
Caffeine and pregnancy
Limiting how much caffeine you have during pregnancy is important to help you avoid pregnancy complications, such as low birth weight.
Having too much caffeine has also been linked to a higher risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. If you have not already been careful with caffeine this might sound scary, but try not to worry as the overall risk to your baby is still very low. Just limit your caffeine as much as you can from now.
How much caffeine can I have?
The current NHS guidelines recommend that you should have less than 200mg a day if you’re pregnant. This is about 2 cups of instant coffee.
However, our Tommy’s research centres show that the risk goes up the more you have. So, it’s a good idea to reduce the amount you have as much as possible, to protect your baby.
How much caffeine am I having?
Caffeine is found naturally in some foods and drinks, such as tea, coffee and chocolate. It is also added to some products such as energy drinks.
One study found energy drinks, instant coffee and cola were the most likely to push pregnant people over the caffeine limit. This could be because the amount of caffeine in these drinks is not widely known, so check out how much caffeine everything contains below. You can also use our caffeine calculator to work out how much you’re having.
- a mug of filter coffee has around 140mg
- a cup of instant coffee has around 100mg
- energy drinks: a 250ml can has around 80mg
- a mug of tea has around 75mg
- a can of cola has around 40mg of caffeine
- a bar of plain chocolate has around 25mg.
Energy drinks and cola can also have lots of sugar, so it is good to limit these as part of a healthy diet.
Be very careful if you’re buying coffee when you are out. Certain drinks from coffee shops can contain more than your daily caffeine allowance, so always check online or with a member of staff.
If you drink sports drinks, remember to check the amount of caffeine in these too. Some have caffeine added.
What does 200mg of caffeine look like?
200mg of caffeine is the same as:
- 2 bars of plain chocolate and 1 mug of filter coffee
- 2 mugs of tea and 1 can of cola.
- Our caffeine calculator will also help you work out how much caffeine you’re having.
Find our caffeine calculator below.
Cutting down on caffeine
Decaffeinated coffee, fruit teas, fruit juice or water / sparkling water are all good choices to replace caffeinated drinks. It is important to remember that green tea contains caffeine, which should be limited as much as possible during pregnancy.
If you are drinking coffee because you are feeling tired, the best thing to do is eat a balanced healthy diet to keep your energy up. You can also read our tips for getting more sleep during pregnancy.
Download your free guide to a healthy diet in pregnancy.
Caffeine in painkillers
Some painkillers include caffeine, including some types of paracetamol. Try to avoid tablets that have combined paracetamol and caffeine to help limit your caffeine. The patient information leaflet will tell you how much paracetamol and caffeine are in each tablet.
Always talk to your midwife, pharmacist or another healthcare professional before taking any medicines in pregnancy, including cold and flu remedies.
Read more about medications in pregnancy.
Caffeine calculator
- A can of cola has around 40mg of caffeine
- A mug of tea has around 75mg
- A bar of plain chocolate has around 25mg
- A cup of instant coffee has around 100mg
- A mug of filter coffee has around 140mg
- Energy drinks: a 250ml can has around 80mg.
If you drink sports drinks, remember check the amount of caffeine in these too. Some now have caffeine added.

Calculate your daily caffeine intake
How much caffeine do you have a day?
What does 200mg of caffeine look like?
You will be reaching 200mg of caffeine with, for example:
- 2 bars of plain chocolate and one mug of filter coffee
- 2 mugs of tea and one can of cola.
Cutting down on caffeine
Caffeine is found naturally in some foods and drinks, such as tea and coffee. It is also added to some products such as energy drinks.
One study found that energy drinks, instant coffee and cola had the strongest links to pregnancy complications. It is best to try to avoid these during pregnancy and find replacements. Energy drinks and cola also contain lots of sugar, so it is good to limit these as part of a healthy diet.
Decaffeinated tea and coffee, fruit juice or water are all good choices if you are used to drinking a lot of caffeinated drinks.
Be aware that decaffeinated products still contain a very small amount of caffeine. The amount may vary, but it is still much lower than regular caffeinated products.
I found slowly weaning myself off caffeine and onto decaffeinated versions of tea and coffee was a good way to reduce and majorly decrease my intake. Now I don't even really miss the caffeine buzz.
If you are drinking coffee because you are feeling tired, the best thing to do is eat a balanced, healthy diet to make sure your energy level is maintained. You can also read our tips for getting more sleep during pregnancy.
Caffeine in painkillers
Some painkillers include caffeine, including some types of paracetamol. Tablets that have combined paracetamol and caffeine are not recommended. The patient information leaflet will tell you how much paracetamol and caffeine are in each tablet. Find out more about painkillers and pregnancy.
Always talk to your midwife, pharmacist or another healthcare professional before taking any medicines in pregnancy, including cold and flu remedies.
Heazell A E P., Timms K., et al. (2020) ‘Associations between Consumption of Coffee and Caffeinated Soft Drinks and Late Stillbirth – Findings from the Midland and North of England Stillbirth Case-Control Study’. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology. 256:471-477.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2023) Scenario: Antenatal care - uncomplicated pregnancy. Available at: (Accessed 4 April 2024) (Page last reviewed 02/2023)
NHS (2023) Foods to avoid in pregnancy. Available at: (Accessed 4 April 2024) (Page last reviewed 19/05/2023. Next review due 19/05/2026)
Loth S. (2023). Caffeine levels in high street coffees vary significantly, Which? finds. Available at: (Accessed 4 April 2024) (Page last reviewed 01/02/2023)
Eating well in pregnancy [Online]. Ready Steady Baby! Available at: (Accessed: 12 July 2024).
NHS (2022) Pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility while taking paracetamol for adults Available at: (Accessed 4 April 2024) (Page last reviewed 20/10/2022. Next review due 20/10/2025)
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