I will never forget my 5 angel babies, or their due dates but it does get easier

I just wanted to share my story to give others a bit of hope

Jenny Delph

April 2016

We first decided to try for a baby in 2007 when I was 35. A few of our friends were having problems getting pregnant so when we got a BFP almost straight away we were very surprised!

From that moment the rest of our future was planned.

We went along to our dating scan at 11 weeks to discover that there was no heartbeat & the baby had died at around 8 weeks.

I opted to let things happen naturally as I didn't want to take the risk of an operating causing us problems with trying again. It was the worst pain ever & I even ended up in A&E one night because I'd lost so much blood.

I was determined that it was going to work for us so we decided to try again quite quickly and again, got pregnant straight away. At 7 weeks I started spotting, went straight to the doctors but there wasn't anything anyone could do. I then went on to have another 2 miscarriages so the next time I got pregnant I was referred to the Silver Star unit at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford (they look after ladies with problem pregnancies).

I was booked in for an early scan at 7 weeks but again there was no heartbeat. While I was at the hospital they took blood to do tests & offered me an operation straight away so they could carry out tests on the foetus too.

After all that they didn't find any abnormalities so I was sent in my way with no explanation & feeling extremely frustrated.

We were given the name of Professor Lesley Regan at St Mary's in Paddington & were told that she may be able to help. We made an appointment to see her & she arranged for more detailed tests to be done, none of which showed up any problems.

The last test could only be done once I was pregnant so we agreed to try one last time. The last test was done & came up with nothing so I wasn't very hopeful but, for some reason this pregnancy worked.

Our rainbow Charlie has just celebrated his 4th birthday. 

I will never forget my 5 angel babies, or their due dates but it does get easier and I just wanted to give some hope to people going through this ordeal now, so maybe they will keep trying like we did... Never give up.

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