PCOS and my missed miscarriage

2 days before my 12 week scan, I noticed some spotting.we had had a missed miscarriage.

#misCOURAGE story

I discovered I had PCOS a few months before I got married. I pushed it to the back of my mind and tried to 'stay positive' and 'keep healthy'. 
One year later, I was still suffering with pains, irregular periods and excruciating period pains. We had been trying for a baby for a while when
my Doctor recommended ovarian drilling, I had surgery in June and we started trying again once I had recovered. 
We found out we were pregnant in the September, I remember crying with happiness, relief and pure joy. Something I wasn't sure would happen for us had happened so soon after the surgery.
Throughout the early days of my pregnancy I had bad pulling and twinging pains. I asked my midwife and my doctor about them. I had a 6 week 5D scan and our little blueberry was there, heart beating strong. 
The pains didn't cease and although advised these were normal growing pains I had this niggling feeling that something wasn't right. 
2 days before my 12 week scan, I noticed some spotting. A trip to the EPU revealed our baby had stopped growing at 8w5d and we had had a missed miscarriage. 
A few days later I had to take some medical treatment to 'pass' our baby. It was the worst day of my life.
Our hearts were broken and our hearts and thoughts go out to everyone who's experienced baby loss in any way, at whatever stage of pregnancy. 
We have been trying again for months now and our fertility journey with PCOS is tough every day but with hope we wish that one day we will have our very own rainbow baby.
It is well known that PCOS is the leading cause of infertility and that it increases our chances of miscarriage by far. My hope is that one day a cure or a reliable treatment can be found to help women suffering with not just the fertility issues that PCOS brings but all the issues that surround the condition. 
My Doctor and my midwife didn't know much about PCOS at all and I hope that one day at least midwives can be better informed and equipped to advise Mums to be on the risks and things they can do to minimise them.

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